Shooting Lessons
One of the biggest obstacles for young players is the ability to adapt and score according to what the defense is doing. We train our players to be multi-dimensional in how they play the game. Our system helps them be confident in scoring the following ways:
Attacking the Basket
Our layup drill teaches players how to use footwork and a soft touch to score at the rim.
Foul Shots
Our shooting system has helped professional, college and high school players to improve their shooting percentage. We want our players to be the one the coach asks to hit free throws at the end of the game. My son Jake who has used our system his whole life, in his senior year of high school, shot 205 foul shots throughout the season and made 193 of them. His percentage was 93.7. He only missed 12 of his free throws all season long. Which also put him in the Utah state record book. This system combined with practice is the formula for 90 plus percent foul shooting. Our practice plan is 100 foul shots for 100 days (not 100 straight day) =10,000 foul shots. We give out a t-shirt for anyone who completes the 10,000 free throws in 100 days. Which is a big deal in Complete Shooter. Between our system and practice kids become the best foul shooters on their teams.
The mid-range game is extremely rare today. We teach our players that using these shots (step-backs, floaters, screens) gives them a huge advantage against the competition.
3-point Shots
Arguably the most important shot in today’s game, we train our players to knock down these shots with confidence. Off the dribble or off the catch, our players learn multiple ways to get an open 3-point shot.
Hard work beats Talent.